Quartet Series

About the Author:

Brian Philbin, bass of Metropolis, 1996 Far Western District Quartet Champion, always enjoyed a cappella harmony, but had not been able to find willing participants to sing barbershop during high school. He was shocked to learn upon joining the Society in 1983, that his local chapter met less than 150 yards away from his front door. The following years with his first quartet were some of the most memorable in his musical experience. Since then, he has endeavored to assist others in getting started barbershopping in order to help them avoid the delay he experienced himself. This series has been part of that endeavor. Questions and comments may be sent to BGPhilbin@aol.com.

This series of articles appeared in The Masters Voice, the monthly bulletin of the Masters of Harmony in 1997. Written by Brian Philbin, bass of the 1996 Far Western District champion quartet Metropolis, it covers many topics helpful to those of you who are currently in quartets or are considering forming a quartet. We have put together this electronic version of the article series for your benefit.

The Articles (PDF will open in a new window):

Forming a Quartet

Naming the Quartet

Developing a Repertoire

Developing and Presenting a Show Package

Keys to a Successful Performance

Singing for Hire: The Real Story

Getting Coached: The Quartet Learning Process

Managing the Quartet