Current Active Singers

The Masters of Harmony maintains a large active membership -- in fact, active members are expected to be part of the performing chorus.

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Tenor Section

Matt Bohy
Jesse Davidson
Paul DeWeese
Royce Ferguson
Adam Marangakis
Ernie Reyes
Kenny Rios
Michael Van Schoonhoven

Bass Section

Martin Anderson
Ron Andreas
Hugh Brown
Charles Carothers
Joe D'Amore
Willie Daw
Eric Emmons
Bill Finlan
Ed Fuller
Bob Hartwig
Foster Howlett
Craig Hughes
Leonard Jensen
Steve Katz
Jeremy Loper
Mike MacDonald
Mark Matonic
Cameron Murray
Domenick Murray
Rich Owen
Chris Peterson
Nate Reed
Bryan Sandberg
Robert Shelton
Mark Travis
Aaron Wagner
Freddy Walkover
Dan Wessler
John Yost

Lead Section

Ted Allen
Jim Browne
Dickson Chen
Cole Dawson
Jim Ernsberger
David Feiner
Seth Freed
Chris Garrett
Stan Gile
Jonathan Kelly
Justin McQueen
Tom Moore
Bernard Priceman
Lucas Purcell
Brad Roberts
Mario Rosales
Ed Schackman

Baritone Section

Martin Brown
Sean Clark
Norm Finn
Mark Freedkin
Alan Gordon
Dallas Halvorson
Scott Hansen
Ronan Hill
Larry Icenogle
Scott Kidder
Spencer Randell
Michael Regal
Walter Tang
Phil Wolf

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