Las Vegas 2017 Championship
Return to the Gold!
The Masters of Harmony turned a new page in the evolution of musicianship and artistry with two wonderful arrangements. The ballad was a medley of two tender love songs ("I Have A Love" and "One Hand/One Heart") from West Side Story. This custom arrangement by Kirk Young tells of the power of love, despite overwhelming odds. The uptune was a masterful coupling of two songs ("Too Darn Hot" and "Fever") arranged by Aaron Dale and choreographed by Erin Howden. In both songs, the Masters of Harmony were able to bring a new level of character to the performance that won the hearts of the audience and judges alike.
This was only the second time in Barbershop Harmony Society history that the Masters of Harmony competed against The Vocal Majority Chorus from Dallas, Texas. Just three years earlier (2014), also in Las Vegas, the VM beat the MOH by a narrow margin. In 2017, the tables were turned and the Masters of Harmony bested The Vocal Majority by an 8-point margin out of a possible 3000 points, demonstrating to the entire barbershop world just how evenly matched these two outstanding singing organizations really are.
In each of these cases, the second-place chorus came to congratulate the winning chorus during their medal ceremony, and both choruses sang a song together. It was one of those magical musical moments that make our brotherhood so special to all of us.
ABC News in Los Angeles on Sunday night (July 9, 2017) devoted a whole segment to the 9-time International Chorus Champions Masters of Harmony with a full 28-second spot!